El El

Please read this article... the video above is based on faulty logic. For more accurate information... read this http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/03/04/vortex_motion_viral_video_showing_sun_s_motion_through_galaxy_is_wrong.html

Yup... I love explaining how light takes 8 minutes to reach us...

My relationship with George Lucas is like a bad marriage...

Well the thing about it was that she was okay with it and I didn't whistle very loudly, it was so discreet that outside of a 5 foot radius no one may have even heard me. The part I am curious about was the fact that I reacted like that...

Nope I am an North American with a mix of European and Hispanic background.

So I did do this once noticeably to a friend of mine, who was at the time, a mutual crush.

nope just looked like a long hair standard... it was cute as hell though...

*tearing up*

little dialogue but it goes a long way... My definition of innocence and youth.... love this one.

When do we here what is going on with lake Vostok? hurry yo asses Russia.

Number one! Engage! lolol

oh man... give me any race with thick raven black hair... race does not matter much to me but certain qualities I will pursue above most... intelligent conversation, strongly opinionated, open-minded and her smile. Everything else I enjoy the variations on... size, hair, race, etc...

How is this a space horror? honest curiousity... I've looked for material beyond the 36 second trailer but it just seems to be a sci-fi porn... which I have no problem with, or the horror for that matter.

Here is a sort of sci-fi question...

Ahhh Warcraft as it should be:)

Ya I never get sick of it... It's like all those years of silence came out in one giant explosion... love it.

Though not really a monologue, I could start just about anything with this speech... Somewhat outdated too but it still strikes a chord.

Now playing

No love for Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator

So I lived in Utah till I was 23 and have lived in Vegas since then. 26 now and I can say it is a very diverse town... A lot of culture here. Its not bad if you live here because most people avoid the strip but I can say for sure that it also has the largest single hetero population in the nation. I love walking

Will do thanks for the heads up...