El El

It's rated R... What the fuck did you expect?

If you drink a 40 oz. It still only counts as one!

Ya I play the blink game. Look at a spot, blink, magically there, shielded and able to observe the deadliest of the beautiful deadlies... Black Holes, Neutron stars, dying stars, super novas etc.

Ya I am of the same cloth... I was raised Catholic but I am a agnostic atheist in my adult years... My father allowed me to explore other religions and ideologies and I have come to a conclusion through reason but the most important part of that is that I came to it on my own.

I would still encourage Einsteins methods because people need to be able to choose to think differently. Removing choice and force feeding will only encourage further dispute.

Prop plane art makes me boner for a new Crimson Skies...

I like Jack Nicholson and Ledger for different reasons just like I like both of their Jokers...

I had no idea Mr. Ellison had anything to do with the show... I love his Spec Fiction a lot and his honest bastard attitude...

Though I'm not into it there are a lot of stories of hetero-married couples with hospital visits that include anal experimentation... not my thing... but I'm pretty sure that that alone makes you gay...

Different strokes I suppose. I found her hilarious...

Fuck the person who shot her....

Obscure reference approved.

Is it weird that I crave Chinese food now?

I was gonna buy day one... but... pre-order erection approved.

The Termigator

So I could fuck myself?

I just posted this exact same thing on that 30+ thread above yours... couldn't agree more. Hey immigrant! Plan on attacking Murrica? Too bad. Deported; lost rights to ever live here.

I'm gonna have to agree with you to some degree. Unless they were attempting to use him to get intel on higher ups... What was the point of leading him on? "Let's make him more guilty!"

This is the argument I was looking for... not all schools are equal... Here in Las Vegas, NV the worst education system in the nation, the inequality of funding for schools is ridiculous... unless you can afford or are recruited to go to one of the higher end schools, you can count on a huge difference in what you can

A reference or something that they just abandoned or never expanded on cause that is cool... I don't remember that at all...