El El

MAJOR SPOILERIFITUDEDENESS Whole game up on gameanyone.com

neva mind I found the whole game on gameanyone.com's website I just spoiled the first mission for myself and I dun want anymore...

I had a problem with Prometheus and their lack of protocol regarding contamination... Well he did it... so Fuck it.. lets all remove our shit... I kept thinking when he got the flame... stupid fuck.

In southern Utah they get huge... I remember hiking in some narrows near the Escalante River and being absolutely amazed at the span of their legs...


Having watched the epilogue and prologue now I can honestly say there wasn't too much spoiled and I am now going to pre-order instead of try to pick up one the day of... the cinematics of multiple spartans were amazing... heroic... everything my minds eye of spartans pictured them to be... wonderful soundtrack as

If you could send me a link I wouldn't mind watching them... I grew past my fanboi years with ilovebees and all... now I just like to see that they don't rape my nostalgia for the series and having seen MC walking on earth and having his suit removed cutscene I'd really love to see more.

With the concerns noted in the above article what could this do for the dying coral climates?

A response to Koch?

God Speed. I'd take your spot if I could...

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”

I wonder if the boys name was Tristen...

your right I had it related backwards when i typed that... I just remember secluded environs making for size differences....

I hear its empty...

There are a variety of reasons from what I've seen. Being secluded on a island for instance tends to have the ability to make things bigger too.

Alcohol is the precedent for which prohibition does not work.... I am pro-choice in any regards and people should be allowed to smoke and drink within their own domicile. Regulation would ensure that it remains as such and I fully agree that it should not be something taken into the public unless properly regulated

This is over years of usage... You read that as well... long term chronic use... and they perform Thousandths less than people without....let me say that again... look where the decimal is... and it doesn't affect everyone the same. Regulation would include better quality control, better methods for consumption and

Anyone can cite hunt... http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=194703

The science you are citing only supports your argument for adolescents... Show me conclusive research with adults with irreversible side effects and I'll admit I'm wrong.

The thing with that is... is supports my argument for making it regulated... It only has side effect for adolescents... I did not start smoking till 21 and not habitually till 25 and I have stopped at 26. I see and have seen no consequence nor side effect to my habitual or sparing use; as a fully formed adult. I do