
You are not alone. I'm 100% there with you!

You are not alone. I am mesmerized by this show.

I do need an LA friend! Thank you :)

I live in the San Fernando valley, just north of Los Angeles. Traffic sucks and if you live “far” from where you work your commute could be an hour or more to go like 15 miles. It’s really stupid. So don’t sign too long of a lease until you know where you want to be.

Yup. When you talk to actual people who farm for a living, it’s a lot harder to pretend that being ethical, sustainable farming practices are just something for spoiled yuppies. It’s seriously important stuff.

I live in Ohio, and this is news to me. Not once in my life have I seen a kid snacking on fruit in a grocery store.

Well there has been the recent controversy over new developments in broom technology.

Eat it off the floor like the dog you are? I don’t know. I got nothing. Sorry about the taco, but I get enough ball-slapping sounds from the fella down the hall listening to het porn at all hours. The existence of volleyball puts me over the edge in that department.

All I know about volleyball is that since its inception it’s been the sport of choice for nudists the world over. And masochists, obviously (all that floppy, sweaty flesh making unappealing slapping noises and such).

To be fair, I don’t think that volleyball is any better or worse than other youth sports. They all have this problem, whether they admit it or not. Swimming had a big thing a few years ago. Gymnastics, too. Basketball is hardly exempt.

It’s weird, but volleyball is huge in Cuba, so the male entitlement level is upped to football levels.

Defense lawyers deserve nothing but praise, even the ones people find despicable. So much of the time, they serve as the only advocate for poor, young defendants who are so so vulnerable to being railroaded by asshole prosecutors and detectives. They are so, so vital. (Promise I'm not a defense attorney, just a

“I almost feel like this is an extreme version of a teenager learning about/playing with being manipulative.”

Really? I feel like if her lawyer weren’t raising a First Amendment defense they’d be pretty incompetent. I mean, it’s arguably her best defense, maybe a close second after intervening cause.

I don’t know how to feel about this either, it’s such a weird case. It just makes me sad.

...see if they will not create a New Armenia.

Yeah the “cool girl” for the new decade.

Now playing

“I wasn’t aware that a racial equivalent of a ‘guy’s girl’ existed.”

I’m sure there are ethnic Armenians who say, “Well, if we’d just been more loyal subjects and hadn’t sympathized so much with Russia, the Turks wouldn’t have had any problems with us.”

Periods for Pence worked!!!