
Mega Charizard looks like a generic lizard from Dragon Quest. Just sayin'. Mega Blastoise is Dat N*gga tho.

PERFECT review. Flawless Victory. Kreygasm BloodTrail Kappa \FrankerZ/

Nope. Best way to review or text anything are through twitch emotes. Kappa. FrankerZ. BibleThump. DansGame. MVGame. PogChamp. And Sp00by PLZ!

As someone who isn't big on controllers, what exactly is a "dead zone". I read the word being thrown around everywhere, but have no idea what that means. Also, I'm really trying to contain the hype for the DS4. My reason being is that just about everyone loves it. This current gen there were more people who loved the

She's the REAL Sandman.

They could have even gone the ENGRISH route and named her Metarrica. Not a big deal either way. I'm just glad we're getting the game localized thanks to based NISA. :)

That is freakin awesome. Hope y'all have fun and enjoy the game. :)

Should note that the US version has her name changed to Metallia. You know, since the band Metallica would sue to high heaven if their name were to be used.

With the way he fellates Microsoft, I think so.

The PS4 is really racking up on these indie titles. Ever since this was announced at E3 I've been wanting to see more. Looks so good.

OMG it's MegaMan. I want!

I don't think I can like this any more! My exact reaction to that dude.

Like I said, I don't mind these articles. It's the writer.

NISA is usually good about putting in the original Japanese voices if that's any consolation.

I'll just go back to my earlier comment and say, Microsoft man. People underestimate how dumb of a company they really are. PS2 was a beast, as was the original Playstation. PS3 saw competition this generation and ended up outselling the 360 worldwide.
But as for your comment on Xbox One losing, it's way too early to

To be fair though, the 360 was the only console from Microsoft that ever dominated in the US. With Microsoft pullin the ol' usual Microsoft, it seems the One is going to gain a Vista-like reception. People tend to forget how clueless Microsoft is sometimes and do not associate the Xbox brand as being part of

I don't mind the off topic stuff. It's just that just about every article she posts is about:
Something from NeoGaf
Wash, rinse, repeat.

Patricia Hernandez...sigh. How she still has a job at Kotaku escapes me.

The best thing about watching these runs live (besides the actual world record being broken) is 'mah chat experience'. Twitch is so awesome for watching these things live. There are BibleThumps FrankerZs and Kreygasms along with occasional Kappa thrown in there that truly furthers the experience. That was truly Teh

Too lazy. lol.
Plus to unplug from my room and into my entertainment center is too much of a hassle.