
And Dat lisp!

Genshiken Second Generation is a show with college students. But it's on it's 3rd season so some of the callbacks might get lost on new viewers.

Please be excited...what? We can't use that one anymore?

His point proven.

I think they'd rather deal with the feminist contingent than have to deal with PETA. This news totally shadows over the fact that Riley the Dog is going to be used as a kill streak, which if other CoD's are used as reference, you can stop the puppy's from attacking you with a bullet to their face.

Bulbasaur and Venusaur look derpy as hell. LMAOOO.

I dunno man. Kakuna got Dat whole YOLOswagGod thing going on.

Ouch. But hey, can't knock the hustle.

I would never wish unemployment on anyone, but I can get behind your ignore idea on this one.

It's a long game for sure. I cleared my backlog just so I can invest my time only on this game (Excluding the late night Blops 2 sessions). But it's fun. As with the recent Tales of games the battles are super fun and the characters aren't overly dramatic and over the top. I would say that if you're looking to get

Puff puff pass maaaan.

Tales of Xillia. Loving it so far. I don't want to be that guy, but does this Patricia only wrtie articles on videos she finds online and on Gaf...and Pokémon??

Which headsets are those?

Oh man. This was really heartbreaking to watch. My jaw DROPPED when I knew it was over for Chris. This video however did not do what happened any justice. Gotta find the footage of the stream. When Justin got off his seat and started jumping I lost it. The top 8 for Marvel this year was so amazing.

All very good points. I'm playing Xillia as well right now and what had me pause a bit is Milla's waist. It's freakin tiny! But then again she's a GAWD and thus chose that vessel. Now that you mention it Alvin does like like Aizen. lol.

I feel ya. But to drive my point a little further, I've played games with female characters wearing questionable attire with my sisters and ladies friends as well, and they have never had a problem either. Mind you these ladies that I've mentioned don't play video games at all. They always make comments like, "ooh I

Agreed. MegaAbsol looks like a total badass.

See this is what I don't get. The male conmentors here on Kotaku are generally the ones offended by this, trying to be all white knight and crap. But the ladies here don't seem to care and actually dont mind this stuff. And then I sound like a pig because I'm siding with the ladies on this one. Some crazy bizzaro

It's a new feature. People love new stuff. I'm sure "90%" will try it. And out of those "90%" about 80% will stop using it. It's like when FaceTime became a thing on iOS devices.