All of a sudden its the switch OLED screen. LOL
All of a sudden its the switch OLED screen. LOL
They both used a concept that has been done before. The Strange fight is not even like this dudes stuff. So dumb to bring up his race though.
Silenced by what?
I can’t wait for the SDRE tour. There was a comment somewhere about Mendel jumping back in with FF on hiatus. Yeah, right....
Hahaha!! No shit. I was WFH for a year at my last job of 4 years. This was a week prior to US quarantine- I get a call from my manager pretty early in my shift telling me to go in to the see the HR person in the office. HR person is at the office in LA and manager is in NYC. I think something is weird. I tell him I…
Hahahahaahhaha!! Right??!
LOL. This clown. One- if she was vaccinated out of all those who went.
Playing Devil’s advocate here. Could have been fake?? Etc..
3 exclusives? My XBSX is still sitting there in the box...
This guy doesn’t even look like that anymore...
So they pick and choose based on money. Got it. Also, JFC. America isn’t that bad after all. LOL
To be fair- it was worse than Chris Rocks joke...
I like how its alcohol free, but all these porn stars and hookers go to Dubai to party and whatnot. LOL
Also, you’re talking shit about braids. Not deadlocks. Good fucking job. You can’t even tell the difference from your own non-understanding of hair. Hahahaahah
I wasn’t even serious, ya fucking whiny twat.
The....Nihil part of your UN..
Something is wrong, boyo. Its like 3 seconds on my PS5.
But you believe in nothing! LOL
Oh yeah, tell me about it. I got a Xbox series X sitting in the box still cause I have no space for it. :(