
Except the Game Dev Kit he used to build the game, https://dragonruby.itch.io/, uses an mruby interpreter. The interpreter is already there and in fact the ~ key is the default for accessing the dev console in the dev kit. He did nothing but tell people how to access it.

If they use those “subversion” tactics all the time, it is no longer subverting, but expected. GoT subverted expectations with what they did. Go watch it again and there is no way, from a storytelling standpoint, to have the battle take place over more than one episode. The defenders had nowhere else to go they either

Hmm, I was under the impression that if a contract violates any local, state, or federal law the entire thing is null and void. Additionally, if a company violates law and uses the contract to keep it secret, that’s definitely illegal (all this ignores the difficulty of proving said violations).

I was under the impression that such contracts/agreements are unenforceable if laws were potentially broken. I don’t see this going well for Riot. 

It’s not just Steam, but the general development process in general. Pre-PS3/Xbox 360 games were released and never patched (on console). But now with constantly patching games to fix bugs, close exploits, add features/content, etc the existence of physical media puts a unnecessary strain on already strained

Revenge of the Sith and Rebels (at least) have shown Palpatine actively looking to manipulate life and extend his own (can’t remember if Clone Wars covered this at all).

I love the Divinity series in general. Dragon Commander was a little difficult to get into, but it was still fun.... just not quite as fun as the other 5 games.

Even with unionization, there are still people who need jobs and the same thing that happened to my father-in-law at Kellogg could happen here: Game industry refuses to hire unionized employees and pushes the unionized ones out and when they strike, close the office.

I recognize that for certain things I won’t have a choice, I.E. Food, Gas, Services required by my job, but gaming is fully optional for people. One of the few places in the economy where the consumers could have almost full choice.

Serious question - If we as a gaming community are serious about fighting the horrible way companies like Activision treat their employees, shouldn’t we not spend our money on games they develop or publish?

Except when your employer of 30 years decides it doesn’t want to negotiate anymore and starts pushing union employees to retire and only hiring non-unionized employees. (Or an employer fires you for trying to start a union while working for them - I’ve seen it happen).

To be fair, they’ve been talking about the “New User Experience” for well over a year now

Big overhauls like this tend to take a lot of time. I’m working on a team at a tech company still in the process of overhauling our web platform for customers. We have to do this with as little impact to existing customers as possible and as such that means we spend a lot of time writing code that allows both the old

Be curious how developers take to this, they stated that the backend of Stadia is Linux + Vulkan. Many devs are still tied at the hip to Windows + DirectX

Not everyone here denies climate change, many do believe it here.

As Task and Purpose helpfully notes, that means the base that “oversees the Pentagon’s nuclear strategic deterrence and global strike capabilities” is largely underwater.

The standard Steam Link (if you can find one) or a Raspberry Pi 3 + the Steam Link app.

One thing I think several people forget is that the New Republic military was small, but they went back to the Old Republic policy of allowing individual systems to defend themselves. Planets like Kuat, Mon Cala, Fondor, and others are know places that suffered/served during the Empire’s days and probably weren’t

I’ll just leave this here to chew on:

I think where I get a bit frustrated is that during WWI (IIRC) he was working on parts of the stories that became The Silmarillion, The Children of Hurin, Unfinished Tales, Beren and Luthien, and The Fall of Gondolin. Specifically, content related to the last one.