
While I don’t doubt it, I imagine it would be more prevalent when there’s not a human driver. Just imagine the Tinder hookups once one doesn’t have to let the crazy girls know where they live!

Not a bad idea. Trying to figure out how it will traverse from the floorboard to the seats. Maybe the cars will have to report to a cleaning center 2 or 3 times a day. They coule hire all the out of work Uber drivers to work there.

Tinder 2021: “Hey babe, you want to Autonomous & Chill”?

This is a huge problem at the Denver International Airport. So much that I paid extra to park in the parking deck when I left a car there. I figured the rabbits would be enticed by the cars on the ground level outside parking before going up a couple floors.

And we complain about the Camaro’s blind spots....

Bingo! Especially the Rocky Mtn region. Full electrics are actually worse for the environment than gas in Colorado.

By driving 700+ miles out of the way to Detroit while enroute to VA , they are just further polluting our planet. The difference is this time they’re aware of it. They can’t claim neglegence now. We should file a lawsuit against them. No REAL hippie would do such a thing.

Very few companies still offer pensions. It’s mostly government jobs that still offer them. That should be telling of itself. I do have a 401k, but I don’t expect it to repeat history and average 7% anymore. I only contribute to get the match. I feel better diversifying into property. Worst case I can still rent them,

They prefer the term “speculate”.

My dad got one of these on a trade back in the early 90's, it was white with gold decals. He traded 2 running and driving 1965 Falcons for that thing (WTF was he thinking?) It was slated to be my first car in 1996. Luckily for me he was too lazy to fix the rear main leak, and I was forced to get a Nissan Pulsar

I haven’t..I have witnessed a couple being moved on the interstate before. I can’t fathom the cost being worth it compared to selling and buying another house (even after paying a 6% sales commission). It takes a lot of prep/finish work, not to mention pouring a new foundation or slab.

Mattress? That’s a rookie move. Everyone knows you bury it in the backyard in case the house burns down.

I think so too. Silver may still have some room in it though. Gold is still overvalued IMHO

I’m aware of that. If I were to invest in gold I would just buy a gold fund. Too much speculation for me though. Although the housing market has some speculation in it as well, I’ve done better with it. I typically clear 8% annually in rental income after maintenance/expenses, plus another 2% in appreciation. If I had

I don’t invest in gold. I invest in real estate. If you can carry one of my houses away, then good on you.

There will be millions of disappointed people who spent decades contributing to their 401k because they were told it would pay for their retirement. 401k’s were invented to save companies money. They no longer had to pay for pensions. Much like healthcare today. The rich leach money from you in fees to cover their

Wrong week bro...wrong week.

Everyone should have a beater. It erases the worry about starting Friday night, and hoping your finished by Saturday (since a lot of parts stores are closed sunday),so you can get to work on Monday. If you break something unexpected and have to order a part, or you need to buy a new tool it’s not a big deal.

I think I need to stay off the forums for a while. Seeing a new failure post every couple weeks is making me paranoid.

Me either lol. I thought they made progress since the E46 rod bearing recall. On the bright side at least our subframes are still intact.