
Sounds like Smiley Faces...

Has R* commented about the graphics downgrade yet?? 

No one cares 

This hit too close to home.  I’ll always remember Raven Shield :( 

She got some sexy footsies 

My theory is because they aren’t very good movies 

Is this really news worthy? 

No.  No

Give it a rest 

Iguodala grabbed Dame, that should have at least been shooting 3

I wanted to punch this dude in the face too 

OK actually took me very little time to find a link for the game.  Nice 

Wish I’d grabbed this when I had the chance.  Anyone got links?.... :) 

Like two sides are allowed in this /s

Dropped playing this game faster than I have most.  Division doing me fine 

Deadspin sucks a duck 

If you can’t buy it on Amazon, it’s not real 

Imagine if Deadspin actually covered sports 

You folks are so jealous it’s cringe-worthy.  

I’ll feed it til it explodes