
Let me know anyone who qualifies pushing someone down some stairs as horseplay

Sounds like murder but ok 

As he should 

And if Taco Bell wasn’t so delicious, I wouldn’t need to hit the gym like I should be 


I don’t think I’ve ever been happier not pre-ordering a game (or playing, for that matter)

I was surprised at how fun the first movie was.  Looking forward to it.  

More of Deadspin’s famous Barstool jealousy 

I don’t for the life of me understand how so many people support Israel’s oppression of an entire nation of people

Please lord let Keanu still be attached to this projet 

This feels like a private squabble that’s no ones business

Yep, huge shootout that ended with a bounty so high the robbery cost me money 

Daniel Goldhaber sexually assuaged my friend in college so cup of tea with this movie 

I’d say given the new features and tweaks, you’re more than safe staying with RDR2.  I’m splitting time between the two but I feel guilty if I’m away from RDR2 too long 

This poor attempt at a list or humor is why barstool is better than you lot

Ariana comes off as a huge douche canoe bad person.  Never forget the her racist donut licking adventure, never forget 

I hate that nagging feeling if I don’t finish earlier games in a series.  I put off Witcher 3 foreverr 

The Disney Death Star approaches 

Kotaku’s coverage of this game is what’s finally going to convince me to stop reading this trash site 

Here’s another tip for playing RDR2: unfollow Jason Schreier and ignore Kotaku in general for their strangely negative coverage of the game.