
So true

Respect. The allegations are FUBAR and we shouldn’t support any actions that see civilians ‘disappeared’ (that includes the US). I’d rather be shot in the street during the day than taken away in a van 

“If I drive around in a Ferrari blah blah”

Fuck this guy in general, what an uberdouche, I’d bet a million he’s the aggressor.  

I wish there was an option to filter out the SJW posts and block certain authors entirely 

I’m playing Witcher 3 for the first time now and fall damage is (literally) killing me

Yea, it’s really exhausting when people ask for proper articles instead of amateurish, misleading slapstick fodder. I’m sleepy

I’m with this guy

That helmet screams female character.  

Seriously though 

It’s because he was really good at basketball 

I was going to say, this sounds like something where a well measured settlement that gets it buried is likely af

Really think your gripes are a bit of a stretch here. Authors are free to say whatever they want whenever they want about their characters? Like...Goldstein? Goldstein? You’re really going to tell me news of the character being jewish rocks your boat?? Come off it.

Debased murderers, the lot of them

Don’t get me started on those terrorists 

Some people are real scum 

Some people are real scum 

Yea, lot of comments with multiple ‘stars’ and comments still staying grey.

This is a good comment 

Barstool is just better and more creative.  Facts 

Deadspin and its family reeks of jealousy