
Swatting is also disgusting, and sadly it would seem this is connected 

If this is connected to his status as a streamer it’s fucked up.  It’s fucked up on it’s own but this cannot stand if real life gun violence is all of a sudden proliferating the gaming world.  

Now playing

She’s not to blame but she seems to have a toxic attitude that certainly would have contributed to anyone’s problems 

I feel like I’m losing my mind reading these comments.  How out of touch are people if they think someone making a joke is a nazi 

All my friends use this symbol as a game, wherein if you look at the “ok” you lose. Really seems to be innocent usage in that vein....not sure why you’d start lambasting someone without more definitive proof but I guess that’s the world today. cool  

In N Out is incredibly mediocre 

Soldiers on a military base outside of MPs don’t have regular access to their standard issued rifle, so no.  I was referring to the fact that people/families in service are more likely to own a firearm at home.  


My friend brought up a good point that the military comprises a good percentage of the native population.  The statistics wouldn’t skew quite like you’re saying 

The real surprises to me are that Arkansas is armed to the teeth and Hawaii is beating Florida by nearly an effective 50%

10% of all users using 2FA is like, depressingly low.  Good grief

What happened to Aziz was and still remains bullshit

lol k

u mad? 

Chronologically he seems very dead after that episode 

Lol @ Xbox #s 

Exactly, you need the space so the rotors don’t chop up the TP

Good ole apache attack helicopter bathrooms are roomy tho

Guessing neither do you

You sound like a pig