
As helmets provide protection to valuable and useful parts of your body, there’s definitely no need for some of these folk to wear helmets.

Peter Thiel has 1-0 record against Gawker, though.

> a 1977 paper by sports medicine pioneer Ernst Jokl argued that Beamon’s record would never be beaten

The failed Dan and Dave promotion pretty much buried decathalon.

NBC’s coverage of the Olympics has been steadily declining for years anyway. Take last night, for example, for we schlubs that only get broadcast television. They went directly from (in my opinion) one of the marquee and most-exciting events of the Games in the men’s 100m to... replay men’s gymnastics. Anyone remotely

That lead picture is just begging to be photoshopped by racists.


Where am I going to send totally-fake stories of wrestler run-ins now? Thanks Corporate Overlords. :(

Weird. I usually finish with “the money’s on the table by the door” or by turning off the computer and wiping my hand on my dog.

Probably a good thing they didn’t make the real Olympics, since they’d have to downgrade their housing arrangements during their stay in Rio.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Lighten up, Francis.

Good thing no one was around to shout, “He’s got a gun!” Otherwise, this ends badly.

What happens tomorrow?

Or they could learn to shoot free throws.

I’d think police officers would be happy to be part of something where the browns are being killed by someone else.

They were horribly out of tune anyway, so they’d fit right in signing national anthems at a Trump rally.

Maybe this is just all an elaborate ploy by the NFL to keep Phil Simms incoherent, as if he couldn’t manage it on his own.

I look forward to the Deadspin Award for Best Deadspin Award.