The only shorts I can ever wear without getting the crotch bunch are knee length bermudas.
The only shorts I can ever wear without getting the crotch bunch are knee length bermudas.
Yeah, I don’t know why, but asking for something with “Could you be a peach?” sounds condescending while thanking someone for something with, “Thank you so much for getting me those specs so quickly. You’re a peach!” seems perfectly friendly. Ah, semantics.
I totally agree with this. As a teacher, I don’t give a damn what color your skin is, but if you show me something that looks like a bomb -in a friendly manner or not- it’s going to make me nervous. I reported a kid to guidance admin for pantomiming screwing together a gun and firing it numerous times during my class…
Sometimes I feel like I am the only person on the planet who seriously gives no fucks about Beyonce. Or Kylie Jenner.
One of my favorite movies of all time. For whatever screwed up reason, I loved Little Shop as a kid. My best friend and I would always ask my mom to rent it anytime we had a weekend sleepover.
I absolutely do this. I cannot, cannot deal with scary movies, but somehow reading a detailed synopsis is fine. I don’t get it.
And you know what, even if they are sex workers by personally informed choice, no one fucking deserves to be be raped. This editor is just the absolute worst.
My gals took me to a burlesque show in West Hollywood for my bachelorette party, and the there was sincerely the finest drag king I have ever seen hosting the show. That king would have been in serious trouble if I weren’t getting married a few days later, you know what I mean? Even my maid of honor was fanning…
Fuck that, I will cough up the cash to go to a groomer. My big orange tabby would shred me if I tried bathing him.
Zucchini, Fennel, and Leek Soup. Begin by caramelizing a few shallots with garlic. Then saute equal parts chopped zucchini, leek, and fennel. Pour in the blender and add chicken stock and a few healthy splash of half-n-half. Blend until soup is at your desired texture. So good.
I’ve been commenting here since 2010 and I am still in the grays. =(
If I’m not mistaken, the sort of things that a teacher could do and which might result in a lawsuit are generally things that, as a teacher, you are required by law to report under penalty of felony charges if you fail to do so.
You make a fair point.
This. I am not a vegetarian, and don’t really plan to be. However, I have no issue whatsoever going without meat. I just straight up don’t care, as long as it’s food and it tastes good. I’d say my family goes without meat at least twice a week simply because I just don’t feel like going through the trouble of thawing…
But how else can we senselessly harass Black Americans if not for The Weed? /sarcasm
I feel you. I really do. But it’s a slippery slope. As a union teacher, I shudder at the thought that my pension could be impacted if a fellow educator at my school did something worthy of a law suit. I’m not responsible for some other person’s shit behavior. I wish there was an easy solution. =/
This. I paid for my 2 bridesmaids (small wedding party) dresses and hair-dos because it’s my fucking wedding, and no one else should be responsible for purchasing things I’ve asked them to wear. I also gave them each a string of pearls with matching earrings as a gift, and which they both decided to wear with their…