
It’s hard to bash the gameplay when you can’t play the game.

You can go into the options and turn that back on. It leaves all of your other settings the same and it just changes the difficulty level to custom.

Souls games aren’t single player. There’s a built-in help system. Or you can just grind out some levels. This obviously doesn’t apply to Sekiro. That’s a git gud game.

I don’t know much about Halo, but Pelican Pilot sounds like a Star Fox character.

I also picked the guy by accident and ended up having a deep conversation and no sex. It really wasn’t a problem. I consider the idea of dolls to be more problematic in itself, but that’s one of the points of the game.

It’s funny that Mikami preferred the Genesis version and Perry preferred the SNES version.

It reminds me of the Kifflom! trophy from the base game. At one point you had to run around in the desert for five miles wearing robes.

They get paid a fee from the vendor for facilitating the transaction and they get paid late fees from delinquent customers.

I’ve been playing games since Atari 2600, back when the video setup devices looked like this,

So basically, all of the PC Master Race idiots with hard-ons right now are wasting their time because not only are their precious GPUs are safe, but these CPUs are specifically designed to use less electricity?

Which means the Xbox version is delayed to 2023. That’s quite a wait.

Tuesdays are just bad days to visit the Playstation Store. Better to wait til Wednesday, when all of the bugs are gone and the new deals are on display.

Better to not risk that company giving their apples to someone else.

I remember when Riker accidentally tweeted out BBW porn and then claimed that he was hacked.

They actually put a hedge fund out of business and others lost almost half their value.

A Horror game that fails to scare you is called an Adventure game.

I don’t mind the price tag, but no backlight is no buy. I suffered through the lightless handheld years until the GBA SP came along. There’s no going back. The Game Gear doesn’t count because no one could afford to keep that thing filled with batteries.

You never got your money back? I got a refund over half a decade ago.

He got in a fist fight with his personal hairdresser.

Swing and a miss.