
Every...fucking...launch, I swear to god. My heart goes out to the families of the victims.

The black squirrels in the DC area came from a batch imported from Canada back in the day. The Post did a story on them a few years ago.

I'm actually really glad you posted this video - the whole time I was watching the ATK video I was thinking about this episode of Fast Food My Way, where Pepin explains the differences between the "country" style and the classic style omelet. I didn't even think to see if that video were available since so many of his

Must be Italian!

You gotta go in bareback to do a good job.

1080p is still poverty

Good. Reading Calvin and Hobbes is a deeply personal experience. We don't need a voice actor telling us what Calvin should sound like or animators trying to bring him to life in a horrible amalgam of Watterson's style and cartoon puppetry. It is perfect the way it is.

He's trying to make git-fetch happen.

Warhammer 40k was the first thing that came to mind for me. The whole setting is in a time when the peak of technology is in the past and knowledge has been lost, so the tech priests don't invent new things, they discover what was lost. This is taken to such an extreme that invention and associated research is almost

Those are some pretty sweet boobs. I'm glad someone is finally making a game just for us guys. Amirite, y'all?

You know what is REALLY needed...to convince the Chinese that bear gall bladders, shark fins, and other such items give the eater bad luck, or the animals from which the items were taken will haunt them, or some other such thing.

And exactly where would these cultures be?

Ok, here is my pompous point of view.

P&R needs way more Donna.

I'm guessing the best of these are actually Henry Selick cakes but Burton will get all of the credit.

Because fuck cats.

Tell me I'm wrong...
I'll see myself out.

Anyone remember the squawk when this guy was cast as Batman?

"traditional Chinese and Korean medicine"