
The Verizon S4 ROM still has issues displaying signal bars with LTE, last I checked. The data is still there, you just don't get the bars.

It actually runs really great on PS3. Looks nice too.

I've been in the beta for some time and have alternated between playing on PS3 and PC because sometimes I just wanna lay on the couch, you know? There is a clear difference, graphically, but nothing that will hinder your enjoyment. It plays very well with a controller.

Looking at that design all I can think is that kids, drunks, and jerks are just going to piss all over the sink part.

What I'm seeing here is for best calories/alcohol ratio your best bet is Jack Daniels. I have zero problems with this.

List needs more Icehouse. That stuff is heinous.

Absolutely. It's the best shitty beer.

At a new years party at a bar in the Baltimore area, I was literally the only guy that had the balls to order a pint of Boh. The bartender took a liking to me.

I realized this after I posted it.

Games get bashed for it more, I think, due to the addition of interactivity. You are involved in the violence while in other media you're just a bystander.

Do you feel anything when you play Call of Duty and shoot, like, a thousand dudes? It's an avatar in a game.

Well there goes my weekend.

Also in MD is the really rad Cloisters Castle outside of Baltimore. It's not a religious venue so I don't imagine they'd have any issue.

I foresee a future where our smartphones will have a desktop mode or app that we switch on and it wirelessly wakes up our bluetooth keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

Had to go the dirty route and get the PS2 version on an emulator since I traded my PS2 in to get a BC PS3 which was then stolen and my current PS3 is not BC.

Who are you mad at here? These were third party made aftermarket parts sold by Best Buy.

Died from shame is my guess.

I won't argue that the Wii and its ilk are good systems for certain people. Same with handhelds. Unfortunately neither really work for me for several reasons.

My initial post was a bit brusque. The Wii U is very much a real console, just not one I'm interested in. I'm not a fan of the second screen thing and my original Wii just gathered dust.

All I think they've said is that this is going to have a premium price. Hopefully not as bad as a Square game. I expect between $10-$20.