Given it was in NC, they could have at least hailed him a Güber to the airport.
Given it was in NC, they could have at least hailed him a Güber to the airport.
In such instances, one need only to took to Patches O’Houlihan for inspiration.
Can you post the pic of Dareus’ O-Line Face?
With such a maille-oriented blog, probably best not to cross-post to Jez.
Hail Little Caesar!
Shoulda gone with Propecia Propecia!
Fuckin’ McLovin.
To properly whitewash, position self on the far right of the frame, not far left.
When paying to hit pay-dirt in Cleveland, it’s always Byner beware.
Hardly a surprise when they call a flea-flicker.
Trump was excited to hear there was a gathering of Mexicans on ESPN’s Deportes program and that they all left after about 3 hours.
He then nominated John Skipper to head INS saying “he gets it, big league.”
It’s telling Bubby Brister is being considered to become the new BB-QB coach.
How can you not love the Hawks?
Hmmm...always thought Evans was a stand-up guy.
Rask could Sault Miller for lack of support.
Maybe the organizers shouldn’t have named it the Jake Roberts Invitational.
Cleveland —> Baltimore.
Shouldn’t it be the TecModell Super Bowl?