How much did Sony pay you for this article?
How much did Sony pay you for this article?
Do you feel like a hero yet?
But the nice thing was even Quark was self aware of who he was and was unapologetically true to himself and refused to change.
Xander from buffy. thought he was lame for the first season and a half. then he became bloody AWESOME!
Not with this popularity thing. Janet wasn't in our faces like Beyonce or Madonna, yet she STILL is more popular than Beyonce. Beyonce's music isn't as known as Janet's.
This. That's all my ex did, was blab into her fucking phone all day, and text text text text. She would even have her phone at the dinner table, tap tap tapping while we ate, even with company. Girls wanna bitch about games? Fine. If they hate my gaming they can tapity tap some shit about it, or stop acting like their…
Why smoke one cigarette when you can smoke 5 at once?
I saw what you did there... I think...
Since it's episodic this means the opposite of having a schedule for what day they release the titles. The only schedule of course is releasing them in order. Some episodes will take longer than others as they're not all going to be the exact same size, length, require the same amount of work, etc.
I love their work and unique game direction design compared to what we see nowadays. I'm glad they're praised for it too. But I can't wait around a quarter of the year until the next episode comes out. TWD S1 wasn't too bad, but it was getting there. I'm just going to wait until they finish their season to pick it up.
Looks a tad similar to the PS4 list ...
I have more faith into these predictions than anything Pacther predicts. Also, many people complain about Shootman Bros but in the end you all end playing these games where nobody can see and judge you.
me too I imported the first one for my modded dreamcast and I didnt even speak japanese I just wanted the game that badly. I cant remember how I even beat it or knew what was going on. I think I downloaded a translation. I loved the game so much. Never got around to playing the second one though
there you go, someone found it for me. ironic its from a site called lazygamer
he brought it up though didn't he? i'm pretty sure the whole thing began and ended with him remarking about how he's missed out on a lot of new things lately, such as minecraft which he just started and which seems unfinished to him.
I suspect that UPN put considerable pressure on the show's producers to reuse TNG's formula. Look at how similar Voyager and Enterprise were to each other. Neither lived up to their potential and basically rehashed TNG plots over and over for years. They were also both the only Trek series to air on UPN. Compare them…
I watched the first season and a half when it first aired, and I didn't like it. I couldn't get into it at all. About 9 months ago, I went back and Marathoned the entire series on Netflix, and upon second viewing I greatly enjoyed it. Sure, the acting might have suffered on occasion, and there were plotholes, but I…