
Movies, Serials, even Live TV Shows that were never recorded are all gone.

Even great TV Shows like Dr Who were played on TV then the early Video Tapes were re-recorded over with a different show to save a few dollars for the BBC. So much film and video has been lost to time, neglect and aging...

Rob, whether or not any show grabs you is a 50 50 % mix of the show and of you. Reviewers tend to think it is all on the show, which is sad...

Some Bloggers, don’t put us all in the same Grade 8 literary circle...

Ummm... What is your point? You don’t mention it...

Like the previous poster, your intent is oblivious to anyone but yourself.

Ummm... What is your point? You don’t mention it...

Actually, that’s a job for Proof Readers / Fact Checkers.

Sorry it has to be said but, Journalists WRITE. That is literally their job..

Well said. Mixing sexual preferences with politics guarantees someone doesn’t get off...


Maybe that’s why they hide their faces?!?

“Testosterone-poisoned bros of the anti-SJW variety”

Your leanings, your agenda and your rhetoric are showing...

Considering the small percentage of actual LBGT... (insert the letter(s) of your own choosing) in the world, it doesn’t come up much in real life unless you or someone you love is of that persuasion.

Why do such a large percentage of superheroes go that way? I think it is the artists whom draw or ink them that are

“The Bottom Has A Rocky Reputation”
-The Confessor ~Joe Walsh

The ratings have declined since the first season...

Without the full rights after First Run, SyFy didn’t have the audience numbers, which are sadly declining, to make it worth their while...

Business is business.

My Taurus SHO thinks your drive a tiny Clown Car with a big Key on the roof...

we can only hope... lol

How many do you see?

Production is very limited, and you catch all claims don’t win you many fans...


ITU, limiting science to your definition of possible is mind numbingly... Futile...


Your world view of motivations is as small as a Host’s...

“Did you forget the fact that Ford was able to have Arnold/Bernard not be known despite he was the head of it all?”
