
That sounds about right from what I recall... it was several years ago, now, so my memory is a little shaky. I did not like that job because it wasn’t what I was hired for, nor was it even mentioned during the interview... I was replacing the only tech guy at the company and it was not mentioned at all until my

Good enough for me.

“Fit of rage”? I don’t recall ever saying anything like that.

Petty to you, important to me.

I didn’t really notice much when I was doing the camera work, but now that I think back... there really weren’t that many non-white people in those schools...

Well, when I moved to where I am now, it was less than half the current population, which was nice. It is growing pretty fast these days, though, and I can’t say I care for that. Not at all.

A pretty quick look at Google Maps shows a fair amount just in the center area of Dallas alone. Too many for me, I stay out of Dallas as much as I possibly can.

Yeah, it pretty much does apply to most if not all of them. I am just not one of those city-living people. I like space and some privacy. And as little traffic as possible.

DISD is one I haven’t messed with. I helped install and configured the camera systems for all of Plano ISD and some other schools, so I am more familiar with those.

It has a lot more than 7. My dislike of that city stems from before google maps was so common. The layout is just one I really don’t like. Granted, that isn’t unique to Dallas (I feel the same about all large cities).

I can’t stand them, especially when an entire area is filled with them.

I can’t stand them, especially when an entire area is filled with them.

It isn’t changing or suspending the rules, it is deciding which ones apply based upon the situation. We do that all the time already.

That sounds irritating.

I dunno, that is only 3 reasons.

Since we don’t put up statues of Jesus, everyone’s gonna fall morally short.

I live in what is technically a suburb of Dallas and I would live in Dallas if it weren’t for three issues holding me back.

I wish every developer would follow suit, the guy is a complete asshole.

So, you think teenagers were unaware that hanging someone from their neck would just “hurt” a child? Yeah, no, I am not buying that. No teenager that is not developmentally disabled (and even some that are) would be unaware of that.

I disagree. At 14, you know better than to hang a child. Try them as adults with attempted murder.