
So yeah, he made the first viable one.

Here is the difference between what I am saying and what you are saying. He and Ferraris researched and invented them at the same time. They published at the same time. It is argued to this day who actually invented the AC induction motor first. Because there was literally no way to tell. Most reasonable people just

Yes he invented and patented the AC induction motor. Numerous ones in fact.

You call it defense, I call it correcting inaccuracies.

Fine, if you prefer it worded that way, he made the first viable one.

Bah. He was nothing more than your standard asshole. That kind of shit was common both back then and today.

Most inventors were back in the day.

He invented a fair bit, actually. Something Jobs cannot lay claim to.

Yes, but he did not actually invent any of that technology, nor discovered x-rays.

Edison was a dick, but he made good contributions to the world at the same time. The fluoroscopy, for example? Still used (albeit modernized) to this day in medicine. He made that.

By the by, J.P. Morgan stopped funding his work when they found out that he had lied about what the real purpose of Wardenclyffe was.

Some of his inventions, like the polyphase motor, sure were suspiciously timed and suspiciously similar to things made by other people in other countries before him.

Correct. His company provided the equipment and electricity by request. Edison himself did nothing.

He also happened to invent the fluoroscopy, which is still used to this day in medicine, soooo....

I was under the impression that the end goal of society was to get rid of the need to work to live life and, instead, be able to live life with all of your wants and needs met... and you can do what you want to do with your life, including work if that is what you want.

Don’t call them “pro-lifers”. That isn’t what they are. They don’t give a shit about life outside of the womb.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on...

There are a lot of variables that determine what kind of person someone ends up being and parental figures are one of them.

My friend, there is no amount of cream or sugar you can add to coffee to mask the taste or make it taste good. You can add whipped cream, you can add chocolate, you can do whatever you like... the coffee overpowers it. I know this because I have tried it. I have had a friend who worked at Starbucks and another

The degree of roasting is irrelevant, it is either just “very bitter” or “bitter enough to make me throw up”.