
Sharia Law is evil but Canon Law is righteous.

I have a lot of words I could use to describe how coffee tastes.

So, what I am seeing from your argument is that nothing created demand, it is all just a natural progression from something else.

I was happier when they removed the time limits from the game. I like to mess around sometimes and the time limited games were really not conducive to that.

Rick Perry, the guy who owned a hunting camp called “Niggerhead Ranch” for decades and made questionable remarks about Cliven Bundy and Dylan Roof.

It is entirely possible that the governor is asking them to do it, we don’t really have sufficient information. I don’t know if I would say it is likely... but the governor is a giant shithead so I can’t say it isn’t likely.

Funny, one would think that if I was telling you that, I would have said those things... and yet, if you look, you will notice that I did not, in fact, say those things.

Or how well the cult mentality works...

I wish I had your certainty about Apple not doing stupid shit considering their past hardware mishaps.

I will check it out if I can. Thanks for the infor.

Hm. Ah well, happens sometimes when you speed read.

So, just because it is a federal agency, this is a good use of manpower and resources during a hurricane?

You know, if it weren’t for the devastation it is leaving in its wake, I would be happy with this storm. It has dropped temps in my city significantly, it feels almost pretty good outside right now.

You do know he was talking about rap, right?

Hm. I haven’t watched the japanese live action version, I rarely watch live action versions of anime or manga, but if I can find a subtitled version of it I might just give it a go if it cut that nonsense out.

It is a pretty good series.

Sure, we could say that... if it were even remotely accurate.

And when you hit the halfway point (you will know it) just stop watching. The rest is just garbage.

I am up in the Dallas kind of area, we won’t even notice this thing.

Wow. A company the size of Samsung and only $6.4 million in bribes/gifts? Seems like he could have gotten more.