
Well, it is stock Android and will get OS updates for 2 years and monthly security updates for 3, so there is that.

How they frame it is irrelevant. You don’t bring assault weapons if your intentions are peaceful. You might bring along pepper spray or something like that... but assault weapons? Yeah, no. They did not have peaceful intentions.

No demonstration where the people show up heavily armed is intended to be violence-free and peaceful.

So drug school.

The article is explicitly about how “everyone else thinks atheists are bad people.”

I have no idea what study in the article you are talking about. I just went and re-read the entire thing 3 more times and looked at every link, none of them go to any scientific studies. I see you mentioning these studies but, for whatever reason, not bothering to actually provide them. I find that a bit

Being ignorant is less dangerous than being overweight, scientifically speaking, and it is exactly as voluntary.

Yep, lol. To both of them.

It’s pretty clear that you aren’t very familiar with the Catholic faith (note the difference here; Christianity is made of sects, which describe the faith differently). Anyone who is seriously religious in the Catholic faith or some non-Catholic branches (meaning not just blindly believing) knows that the Bible is

Am I to take that answer as you have already gotten back from stealing the blurays and won’t be checking local prices at Best Buy for me?

Not much helps me sleep at night, as I have a fairly mild case of chronic primary insomnia, but worrying about the incredibly wealthy company whose copyright I infringed is certainly not making things any more difficult.

You started the insults, I merely turned them back on you. You shouldn’t try to act smarter than you are.

Indeed. I did not pay for the license to copy it. I infringed upon their copyright.

Funny how often some people like to project on others.

Congratulations on learning that some words have multiple common usages.

You wouldn’t have the problem if you educated yourself. You know, fill in that emptiness in your head?

Changing the definition of words to fit an agenda doesn’t change the common usage of the word.

Haha I enjoy how you make this incredibly vague statements with no explanation what so ever. Consumption, “use by a particular group or audience” seems an awful lot like watching a movie doesn’t it?

By definition, it is not stealing. That piece of legislation was lobbied for by content creators so of course they will call it theft.

consumption - use by or exposure to a particular group or audience.