
Well, if you have a time machine, you might as well have some fun with it.

You really can’t be this big of a block head can you?


Their account did not go up as much as it should have had you gone through the proper channel. The instant you illegally downloaded their property, you withheld revenue. De facto you made their account less than what it should be.

Wrong reply.

I said attempted.

Totes. It is an odd slang for “totally.”

Being fat is always a detriment to your health. It increases the risk of many health issues (like, you know, heart disease... diabetes (type 2)... strokes... etc). This is not just sometimes, it always increases the risks of these things.

Yeah, that is about right. Typical response from the religious when confronted with things they can’t accept or answer. Run away.

It 100% isn’t. And their bank account went down, did it? The very instant I created an additional copy?

Yep, that is about what I expected. Can’t refute the statement so you attempt to mock me instead and ignore the fact I have proven you wrong.

yes you did not prove your statement only asserted that it was so.

Oh, I am? So, when I make an unauthorized copy of something, there is now less money in their coffers? Their bank accounts reduce the exact amount of my copy?

Oh? They are valued based on how informed they are, now are they? Who decided that? Who decides whether something is informed or not on a subject that is, well, subjective? Is it you?

That would depend entirely upon which item you are talking about.

Scientists like Einstein draft up theories to explain something they don’t understand.

Both the definition of the word, and the law, disagree with you.

None of what you said has altered the fact that copyright infringement is, both by definition and in a legal standpoint, not theft.

You can’t steal digital content, only infringe upon the copyright of the owners.

And this, Disney, is why I still pirate everything I watch so I have one convenient location to watch everything.