
Well, when you have a large group of people whose only commonality is “I don’t believe in (something)“ you are going to get assholes in that group.

Yes. I totally anticipated this conversation back in 2016 and went through all the trouble of doing all of that research and linking back to many previous articles on the site just to prove a point to you.

Idiot. Don’t put words in my mouth. Also, someone is not “trolling” if they just post an opinion that doesn’t mesh with your own, you know. How dishonest is that?

In regards to subjective matters, all opinions hold equal weight, so you are also saying that your own opinion, and the opinions expressed by anyone else, all hold no weight.

I don’t really think it has anything to do with the war on drugs, honestly.

They are not. They are very different things.

I don’t think I can agree. I think being overweight should be shamed by society. Just like drinking or smoking tobacco or doing dangerous drugs. They are all demonstrably harmful to your health (and potentially the health of others).

Well, I mean, I am in this room and I wouldn’t want to.

Fat women aren’t going away. We are moving more and more into the mainstream. Perhaps that is what makes you uncomfortable.

I would imagine that 99% of the time they are talking about kraft singles or the American Cheese in the deli.

It does not make it untrue either.

American singles have vegetable oil (or equivalent) as the main ingredient, actually. They aren’t cheese at all. That is why they can’t use it in the name at all. They are meant to be like cheese... and fail miserably.

You say backfire, I say “Went better than expected.”

I am aware of what you wrote. I corrected it for you.

Damn. Pretend my previous comment said photons and anti-photons, not protons. I didn’t catch my typo.

Oh, it is a fact, is it?

There are definitions which can be used synonymously but they are not necessarily the same thing. Especially not in the currently used context.

Not asking for your opinion. Belief is not an opinion. You are trying to refute me by talking about something else entirely and that simply is not how it works.

What makes evil the absence of good? Who made the definition? Who decided that this god was good?

No, because that is a ridiculous argument. Mainly because the full name of it is Tomato Ketchup.