
Just because virtually all cultures have had it does not, in fact, provide any evidence that it is necessary for a sustainable society. There have been societies that have existed without any form of religion at all.

I am in Texas. I know precisely how you feel.

Isaiah 45:7

Do you believe a deity exists?

For many, “Atheism” is a lack of a belief system (in regards to deities).

You will be hearing from my lawyer shortly.

In each of those instances, it was to prevent the expression of specific religions beliefs in a government/public setting. Which, you know, is something we should all be doing, what with it violating the spirit of the first amendment and all. Thomas Jefferson himself said it was to separate church and state... and

Yep. Humans are very prone to dangerous, volatile emotions and desires that are independent of their belief in a deity. The religious just tend to use that religion to excuse or justify the awful things they do.

And do good things without being threatened and tend to give more to charity on a per person basis.

I find it mind boggling that people will consider other decent people to be immoral just because they have no belief in a deity... yet consider a deity who is quite literally the origin (and continued source) of evil to also be a source of good morality.

Well, that isn’t the fault of the meatloaf...

Yeah, they could have labelled the types of American cheese better, too. The kind you typically find behind the deli counter are probably the best ones, usually, followed by Kraft... it all goes downhill from there, ending up in some that are just vegetable oil products to mimic cheese which is just ridiculous.

I mean, you know that American cheese also comes in block form, right?

It is cheese. The main ingredient, by far, is cheese.

Distinction without a difference. The usual dividing element between folklore and mythology is actually the existence of divinity... and divinity exists within the Arthurian mythology, so the term fits just fine. You could also call it folklore, if you like... or legends.

That depends upon which version of the mythology you read. In some, the Sword in the Stone is Excalibur... in others, it is the sword he is given by the Lady in the Lake. In Le Morte d’Arthur, both swords are called Excalibur.

I think my cancer risk doubled just by looking at it.

Even the alt-right knows it is hate. They are literally calling it hatreon.

So, they turned The Hobbit, a short, single story, into a 3 movie “epic” and The Dark Tower, a long, 8 book “epic” series, into a single, mundane movie?

That is factually inaccurate. None of those mayors did anything to prevent them from gaining a business license (I mean, you know the mayor can’t just do that for no reason, right?). They just expressed disapproval of the company publically.