
I bet you wouldn’t. Unless you want to go to jail for assault, anyway. Which, depending upon how you swing, might be a fun place for you, so who knows.

Soooo... attempting to radicalize people into becoming terrorists is just a “differing view” to you, huh? Interesting.

I would say it has nothing at all to do with the first amendment. If the leaders of a town don’t want a business in the town, that has absolutely fuck all to do with the first amendment.

Counteropinion: Mayo is one of the worst flavors in existence and those who enjoy it are unworthy of both love and attention.

And I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t like it, considering your description isn’t accurate at all.

If it is actually made from the type of cotton known as “egyptian cotton”, then it is one of the two best types of cotton to make things like sheets from because it is a very long staple cotton that increases durability and the way it feels.

If it is actually made from the type of cotton known as “egyptian cotton”, then it is one of the two best types of

You are probably better off finding some sheets made of supima cotton rather than egyptian because sheets actually made of egyptian cotton are much harder to find than sheets made of “egyptian cotton”.

You are probably better off finding some sheets made of supima cotton rather than egyptian because sheets actually

I see no reason to say that stream sniping is not a valid tactic to win. They are publicly revealing their own position in a game where that is undeniably a bad idea, it would be stupid not to take advantage of that.

It would be more like the police showing up to some guy’s house with another person in tow and arresting the first guy because the second guy said he stole something with no evidence for the claim at all.

Aren’t they having trouble getting components from Toshiba and stuff, making their supplies a bit constrained, which in turn makes their output lower than it should be?

Technically, they ran the article 2 years ago... and then reran it here recently.

As someone who lived in Texas the entire time he was governor, this comes as no surprise. If news came out that he was mentally disabled, all I could say is “Well, that explains everything.”

How in the world can a single pair of socks be worth $20 or more? That is ridiculous.

How in the world can a single pair of socks be worth $20 or more? That is ridiculous.

I have had my Eero’s since they came out and, despite your complete negativity, I have had nothing but smooth sailing with them and no issues.

It seems like it would be simpler to just open the Action Center, right click the offending notification and select to not receive notifications from that app anymore.

She claims that they weren’t transparent and are screwing her... but what are the chances that two companies, in a row, would do it?

Considering this is the second game she has attacked, along with its players, and she thoroughly lost the first time in court... I am going to guess that she is doing this frivolously and knows it. Or is having a mental breakdown, one of the two.

I am on the side that thinks she is having some sort of mental breakdown episode. Everything from her just came out of nowhere and it has only been getting worse since it started some weeks ago.

All things considered, it seems more like she is having some sort of mental breakdown of sorts, rather than being a bully... her shit just came out of nowhere the past several weeks.

There is a very important difference between the previous advancements and automation.