
I liked Sunshine more than 64 because it had all of the moves from 64 and then some.

After buying a random memory foam pillow with a “cooling gel” part on one side, I will never switch back to pillows with movable fluff inside... no matter what the fluff is made from. I get the same, consistent pillow in the same shape every night... and that is how I like it.

After buying a random memory foam pillow with a “cooling gel” part on one side, I will never switch back to pillows

If the question is along the lines of “Is Fox doing (thing normal people would consider abhorrent)?” the answer will always be a resounding “Yes.”

The emulator?

I... I want to play this. I want to grow cats and lead my cat army around town.

Canon Law. He wants Canon Law.

But I thought Mexico was going to pay for it, 100%?

I am with you 100%. If it were possible to be with you an even higher percentage, I would be.

I am going to be hearing that tune in my nightmares.

Square spent all that time porting Final Fantasy games to PC... only to not say a thing about FFXV and this coming to PC at some point or not.

To be fair, inflicting harm upon others in video games is both satisfying and appealing.

If you really want to get down to it, there are no homicides in even that commercial (nor attempted ones, for that matter). Homicide is a human killing another human, it is literally in the name. Hom-icide.

I have read/am reading the LN and the manga and... well, the early bits are the slower parts of the story and possibly the least important over time so spending a little less time on them isn’t all that bad.

Pink haired girl (Yukana) is main love interest (and girlfriend). Blonde haired girl (Ranko) is her best friend and she varies between helping them be together and trying to break them apart. Small, brown haired girl (Nene) is childhood friend that loves the main character. Black haired girl (Yui) is the current

Funny thing, despite never having made a single video, I have more subscribers than that. No idea why.

The “Oh god, hope I’m not racist Spider-Man” kills me.

Good lord, that little girl looks like she weighs more than I do.

It gets so much better when you find out they didn’t close down just the one time, either... they tried again and continue to try even to this day.

Huh, upon checking, apparently it is a 13'’... I guess I misremembered that part. They don’t seem to sell it on Amazon anymore, but here is a link:

Huh, upon checking, apparently it is a 13'’... I guess I misremembered that part. They don’t seem to sell it on

I went for 14'’ when I bought my memory foam mattress from Amazon.

I went for 14'’ when I bought my memory foam mattress from Amazon.