
Interesting. The GOP tactic of blaming someone else for doing what you are doing so nobody looks at you, eh?

Interesting. The GOP tactic of blaming someone else for doing what you are doing so nobody looks at you, eh?

No, I reply simply for the amusement of your inane replies. It is funnier than one would think, though it is sad that it not on purpose.

No, I reply simply for the amusement of your inane replies. It is funnier than one would think, though it is sad

Man, imagine how clever you would be if you were actually as clever as you seem to think you are.

Man, imagine how clever you would be if you were actually as clever as you seem to think you are.

Science doesn’t agree with you, either. Nothing has a “right” to be born, it is a privilege (or curse, depending upon your point of view). There is no such thing as an inherent right in this Universe. Every “right” you have was granted to you by one thing... the government of the country you live in. Literally

No, it is a fetus at conception. And the supreme court won’t be overturning Roe v. Wade, nor would it be moot even if it did. As for my argument being conjecture... look at you right now. You are arguing to strip the rights from others and to treat women as if they don’t have sovereignty over their own bodies, you

First, it isn’t a “child” until a certain point in its development. Second, abortion is legal so, by definition, it cannot be murder.

Precious few groups are entirely bad.

Death is quick and, well, ends pain. Enduring endless pain and torment while being reduced to less than human, however... how long does that last?

Technically, being an open platform, all opinions are by default solicited.

Technically, being an open platform, all opinions are by default solicited.

It was amusing me as well. I think he got bored, though.

It was amusing me as well. I think he got bored, though.

Have you noticed how some of the Christians in this country treat women, anyone different than them and other religions (or lack thereof)?

Going to need to be specific on which “case” you are speaking of.

If no evidence can be presented, is it not natural to not believe that it exists? Skepticism in all things.

That’s about right.

If there is no evidence of voter fraud... how did they fail to prevent it, if it never happened?

All things considered, I would prefer the “incompetent” Hillary to the “hilariously incompetent, corrupt and quite narcissistic” Trump.

I was unaware that my opinion, and desire not to purchase without a specific option, was something that concerned you so heavily. I will be sure to get your advice before I have any opinions or feature preferences in the future.

I was unaware that my opinion, and desire not to purchase without a specific option, was something that concerned

The maker of the bulb says there isn’t one.

The maker of the bulb says there isn’t one.

You sound like someone who is fun at parties. I mean, listen to you... deciding what someone else would be happiest with.

You sound like someone who is fun at parties. I mean, listen to you... deciding what someone else would be happiest

I don’t get what you were going for with this reply.

I don’t get what you were going for with this reply.