
I feel like you are really stretching things so you can pretend not to get the point I was making.

Daylight is the opposite of what you classify it.

Daylight is the opposite of what you classify it.

I will take a nice daylight bulb, even with a slightly lower CRI, over a high CRI “warm” bulb any day of the week. The yellow tint feels depressing.

I will take a nice daylight bulb, even with a slightly lower CRI, over a high CRI “warm” bulb any day of the week.

They can just mimic the look and, well, not how crappy the vintage ones were.

They can just mimic the look and, well, not how crappy the vintage ones were.

That is still a very ugly shade of yellow.

That is still a very ugly shade of yellow.

I would like some nice daylight versions, yes. I like to be able to see clearly what I am looking at without a depressing color tone added to it.

I would like some nice daylight versions, yes. I like to be able to see clearly what I am looking at without a

I think you need to read what I said a bit... closer. Maybe don’t miss any words.

They only come in dreary, depressing, yellow “warm” light colors?

They only come in dreary, depressing, yellow “warm” light colors?

So, say I banned McDonalds and Burger King burgers at my home. I didn’t ban everyone who makes burgers, but I still banned some burgers.

Damn near literally everyone in this country could commit crimes or terrorism, why not register everyone? Just implant a nice little tracking chip that feeds your entire day to the authorities, it seems like common sense to know who the people committing crimes are. What is wrong with common sense?

So, Trump calling it a ban and asking Rudy how to legally ban Muslims... means it isn’t a Muslim ban?


Violence is a tool, nothing more. Being anti-violence is much like being anti-hammer... sometimes, you need one to hammer a nail.

What information, aside from “it plays video games, and these are the ones we know it will be playing” is necessary? Specs are mostly irrelevant as they don’t provide any kind of window into whether or not the games will be fun. If specs were important, the most powerful system would have won every generation of

So, Trump specifically asking how to legally ban Muslims and coming up with this... makes it somehow not a Muslim ban?

Considering there is no evidence that DRM actually increases sales in any fashion, it is still logical to blame the creators for using something that has no apparent purpose outside of spending money to prevent some people from playing it.

How do you pirate software by paying for it?

Copying something that you do not own the rights to copy is “wrong”. That is why you should be saying.

I know it isn’t theft and that isn’t my side at all.