
I lived in Texas during his entire stint.

Well, we had a good run.

Aside from Trump, as someone who lived in Texas during his reign, Rick Perry is quite possibly one of the last people, if not the last person, who should be allowed into a position of power in the entire country.

Ok, I admit her choices were a bit... ignorantly stereotypical (not racist, though).

Jesus, that’s a lot of nonsensical spewing to have to wade through. Looks like I struck a nerve.

While Macs are a horrible, horrible deal for the money, I don’t think they are quite bad enough to blow your brains out for having bought one...

There we go: bringing up your typical bullshit arguments because facts can be so facty. Also: love the standard “berniebro” attacks, because those do so much to unite the party.

No, I said it was the most free market... I did not say it was a free market. Learn to read.

Yes, we did fail to stop him (for a multitude of reasons, clearly)... but as I actively went against him, I refuse responsibility for him. If I had been retarded and voted for Bernie or whoever else, then sure... I would have my responsibility in the matter... but not in my situation.

You used a lot of words that you very clearly don’t understand there.

Ohhh, what a comeback! “Nuh uh, you’re dumb!”

Oh, that nonsense. That is simply factually inaccurate, not to mention a stance you cannot possibly support with any evidence.

Why do you ask?

No, you should respect that they have their own beliefs... but it is not necessary to respect the beliefs themselves. Religious beliefs should be secondary to scientific advancement.

He isn’t my fault. I take no responsibility for that nonsense.

Haha, seriously, go read about history in this country. We have several examples of monopolies that occurred due to a lack of government regulation. They aren’t even hard to find, the Green Acres guy that also responded to you gave a few examples.

Correct, that is OK. It is not our job, nor Netflix’s job, to ensure that Verizon is providing what they are charging for. If Verizon cannot provide it, then they should not offer it or charge me for it.

It is all fun and games for her until one of those trees hits back.

Well, the American Red Cross (not the same group, but still) spent 25% or so of all the money they took in for Haiti on internal stuff. Most of the rest was given to other charities who then took up to another 11% off what they got for internal stuff.

Abstinence is as much a form of birth control as staying inside is a form of sunscreen.