
Abstinence is not a contraceptive.

Actually, that would only be 14%.

As a stance people will get all pissy about...

Climate change denier, if I must be more clear than it should have already been.

I dunno, I think having a few extra years for CPU/GPU power to get more efficient so you can cram better ones into such a relatively small space may pay off.

You used the dpad?

Those controllers were all either just fine or comfortable to use. Hell, the Wii U Pro controller is quite possibly the best controller I have ever used.

Poison is all about quantity. In sufficiently low quantities, cyanide isn’t a poison either.

I am in favor of eliminating oil, coal and even natural gas.

The American Dream can be, essentially, boiled down to being “Temporarily embarrassed millionaire.”

Yes, some companies use a lot of bandwidth... which they pay their own connection company for.

By the looks in that short clip, the DBZ game is almost certainly Xenoverse 2. It looks just like that.

And you have never used the online services for the Switch, so your condemnation makes no sense.

Ok, Nintendo. You can stop showing me games I need to play now. You have enough. Quit.

Oh no, a console that does more costs more... how weird!

Well, we have no idea what their online is like for the Switch, now do we?

Yeah, let’s just shit on it before we have had a chance to try it for ourselves.

I am pretty sure the law can differentiate between working for a business and running one.

I just want a shower that is that size. Can walk around in that shit, that would make for a hell of a relaxing shower I bet...