
Don’t ever try telling the Neanderthals over at gamefaqs that a game is a pos... they will rage until there’s nothing left...

Ah yes... the “CRAZY” trump supporters unlike the Sensible Common sense Hillary supporters that were calling Bernie Sanders a Anti-Semite HAHAHAHA

Gamers are pussies... oh wait we can’t say pussy now because of trump..

I can’t take this game seriously... when 15 is coming soon why... just why would they do this...

That box is about the size of my Zotac 1070 AMP EXTREME!

Buying a VIZIO for 4k is like wearing sandals for a marathon...

Buying a VIZIO for 4k is like wearing sandals for a marathon...

I’m having a hard time believing people weren’t doing the Nazi spam symbols and calling him a faggot... It’s the internet... You’re always gonna get that.

Weren’t people just ripping that fatboy from Duke for doing the same thing? OH BUT IT’S A GIRL SO CLEARLY ITS OK NOW!!!!!

It’s been amusing watching 2 old white racist assholes pretend who’s less racist, but I got work in the morning so I must tune out.

I automatically assume every white person I meet is racist, just better not be to my face or I will bitch slap them.

“Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora” yep, that sounds like spanish to me!

She’s Nicaraguan... I mean let’s be serious... a communist is telling Americans how to act LOL get real people

I cringed reading this, not at the racism... that i understand it’s the fucking internet but at the responses I knew would be posted here...

This season looks weak compared to the last few we’ve had...

I missed that quest on the game, saw it on youtube. Very interesting.

This quest was by far the highlight of Hearts of Stone. I was laughing outloud at some of the dialogue that was going on. It was very amusing. It reminded me a bit of that quest where Geralt has to pretend he’s a thief & rob one of Dandelions conquests then the “Crimson Avenger” has to come and save her. Haha good

It took awhile for this show to kick in... I expected a bit more...

I don’t know what the big deal is... Unless he’s being like a troll character on the game then I don’t see the problem. Sure EA should do better it’s not like they’re short on staff but what’s the big fucking deal? They can replace his twitter handle with mine, Gimme a few more follows ;D

So it’s creepy when it’s a waifu daki but when it’s a dude everyones gungho about it...

Yeah that’s smart... delay it the month before Persona 5 comes out so noone remembers your game in a few weeks.