
Where is the Brooklyn Bridge?

Most of those issues you mentioned could be easily solved with a firmware restore. Also, it costs $30 in parts and 30-45 min in labor to replace the screen. Or pay someone to do it for you. People shouldn't be throwing away "broken" phones constantly. We need to get out of the mindset that technology is disposable.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc only takes one hand. Try it.

It's the same and completely legal. The OEM key designation means you can't sell the key as a standalone installation of Windows without the hardware it came with and was stuck to. It's a fully working and legal installation of Windows otherwise. Use the ISO from Microsoft and reinstall Windows with the same key.

Should've just made it out of Plexiglass.

We're all too busy on our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to look up at the sky. Also, it's cold outside.

It's not open for interception. Free space optical communication via laser light requires highly direct line of sight. If you wanna stand between a laser and its receiver without being noticed (the signal will cut off) good luck with that.

1 million taps... sounds like "lasting entertainment value" to me.


LOL'd :)

Doesn't matter the size, all it really needs to do is alter its trajectory by a few degrees to knock it off the course for Earth. You know, Newton's third law.

The source of the problems is the human driver.

If cars didn't need humans driving them, there would be no need to pay ANY attention as the cars would be driving themselves, and driving is no longer a necessary task. Removing human error.

Verizon doesnt MAKE the phone.

The deblurred photos look like cartoonized art. But this is definitely amazing.

water always wins.

Because I don't need to spend more time just to find out the time. It's quick and it's easy, and frankly, when I'm out and about I feel naked without it.