

When did a linear narrative experience become synonymous with “a missing game”?

As a game’s narrative goes on, the threat and urgency of the events pile on and the idea of exploration becomes less and less possible to justify. It’s extremely hard for any semi-intelligent human being to take a narrative about

You really shouldn’t, actually.

There’s no danger of this game being out of stock and there’s practically no reason to pre-order and not just buy it in the first week. This is especially the case if you’re cautious, as anyone would be.

Let’s stop making FFXIII a thing, yeah. But before that, let’s stop making

With this kind of clickbait and style of report, you’re shocked people reacted negatively to reports of a delay with no prior indication. Lol. I guess the only thing I’m personally shocked for is that it wasn’t Jason writing this one.

What Tabata actually said is that the first half of the game features a very

The first screenshot poster is spot on.

It’s not a riddle if it has no answer.

If I asked my mother about stuff like this, she’d start analysing their character design and explaining how and why each part was done the way it was (she’s a Theory of Art and Design teacher and artist/designer).

The last time I had a design of Red from Transistor as a wallpaper and she was over at my place, she

It’s worth analysing what you’re doing wrong. Go to overbuff.com, put in your Blizzard ID — don’t worry, it’s safe, you don’t have to put in any passwords or emails or anything like that — and look at your stats on all your heroes.

Without seeing them myself, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you have anything

That’s ridiculous. To a lot of people striving to win and rank up IS what they perceive as fun and it’s really not your place to tell them they’re wrong. Because at that point, you’re being worse than what you think they are.

I’m not exactly Hideo Kojima, but from my understanding of Overwatch’s design, the point of the game is to win.

Whether you “had fun” losing or not is kind of... irrelevant. The point of a game where winning is the reward, is that winning is objective.

Let me make an analogy for you: It’s likee signing up to a soccer

Using visual logic (i.e. he’s a ninja cyborg) to discuss game design is, no offense, the stupidest fucking ideal in the goddamn universe.

That’s like saying Pharah should literally make characters explode into tiny bits and not respawn, you know because she fires fucking rockets.

Stop doing this. It makes you sound

Blah blah blah. Premade sentences from the Internet.

Except you miss the fact that only two Genji can exist in the game at once, so that limits 10 other people to not have their mastery rewarded all at once because they didn’t lock Genji fast enough. Which, ironically, does make it very close to pre-order DLC.

If a

Oh wooooooow. I have to be right in the face of a super-squishy mid-range sniper who has zero movement ability upperhand to run away from me and gets slowed down and essentially made useless if he wants to hit me back?

Oh the humanityyyy...

You can’t kill a Bastion by reflecting his ult unless he’s close to dying already and by that point, you could have killed him with harsh wording.

Your argument stopped making sense literally in the first sentence.

The fu— what?

You’re actually using “flavour stuff” and basic game balance as antonyms?

Like, are you even fucking joking?

Not only are you a filthy console pleb, you also refer to yourself as an X “main”.

Just saying that means you clearly don’t understand how this game works and, with all due respect, you shouldn’t be anywhere near discussions about game balance.

“It keeps them from being Press Q to win”

So you mean, like Genji is?

The reason why Genji wasn’t a problem before and is a problem now is simply because he’s overtuned to compensate for player skill, much like Invoker in Dota2.

He’s part of that group of characters that is harder to play than the remaining ones but is overtuned to compensate for the higher risk, and that group includes

Somehow, in the midst of all this bullshit, people missed the fact that the MGS series is very deeply influenced by Kojima’s career, his personality, his personal life. I don’t want to overrate Kojima — I think he failed in a LOT of fronts — but even to remotely suggest he’s “replaceable” in the creation of another

The majority of Kojima Productions left Konami to work with Kojima for... Kojima Productions.

This is not the same team and there’s a big chance the soul of the series no longer exists. I infer this from the fact that Metal Gear was a series that came very deeply from Kojima himself.

It’s not about military combat or

I don’t really see Kotaku as an outlet that would fake news, per se. But fake leaks can exist and they’re often pretty hard to distinguish from real ones.

Remember that fake Nintendo NX prototype? Someone actually went through the trouble of MAKING a fake device and taking several pictures of it just to send to outlets.

I hope you’re being sarcastic, because pretty much any JRPG player is laughing at your ignorance like Europeans laugh at Americans who vote for Trump.