Thick-lined and cartoony, you say? A friend and I just started hashing out a mobile game idea we stumbled on the other day... D'you have your art online anywhere for me to stare at?
Thick-lined and cartoony, you say? A friend and I just started hashing out a mobile game idea we stumbled on the other day... D'you have your art online anywhere for me to stare at?
I've seen you around the comments for what seems like years (though admittedly I'm horrible with time), and I never knew you studied game design.
Tell me how to shove all of this into my head! It don't work right! D:
Yeah, their documentation is great. As well as their official video tutorials. I still feel like a dolt using the tools, though. And I've been totally unable to wrap my head around the Blueprint system (but I've always had issues trying to learn programming).
Teach me your ways, senpai!
1.) You /don't/ have to pay the monthly subscription. You are absolutely able to pay the subscription price once, and then cancel the sub, and continue to use UE4. You simply no longer get updates at that point.
I ran into the person who did the pathfinding for this game, today (Hi, if you happen to be reading this!).
Or from a Steam sale for like $5, all while taking the time to play other games. :P
Remember, you'll be able to buy it at any time, and probably for cheaper. Don't fall into the "Library Backlog" trap! :P
My highest combo was 360-something. Did it in a stronghold. Never used the streak timer rune, or even thought I could be making my all around the map with the combos. Pretty smart.
Watching the video, the way the guy was talking almost made it sound like a prank.
Someone couldn't possible do something that the law doesn't permit!
The N64 versions were ports of the arcade games (though not the original Gauntlet). The other one you're thinking of was another super bland generic fantasy game.
Aye. Adding more for characters to do is a good expansion to the overall design for sure. It sorta feels like I've played a ton of these sorts of generic fantasy hack-and-slash games, though.
Did you ever play the arcade Gauntlet series, Mike? If so, what did you think of those, compared to this one?
Do they pay more for NRFB?
Ha! Didn't notice that. Still don't feel it's as visible as it should be. Put it back on the front page, Valve!
Zany open-world action game Sunset Overdrive—as its creators told me during a recent San Francisco preview event—is all about letting players be whoever they want. I made a very nice bearded lady with tiny mouths for eyes. I noticed something, though: you can pick your body type, but you can't pick a heavy one. I was…
Valve is changing Steam in a big way, overhauling the front page and adding some brand new features that will drastically change the way we find and buy PC games on the ubiquitous digital store.
Did she die at the end of the con? ._.