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ok. where were the 30 yr old prom queen and fat "nice" guy in this? where were the ethnic races of all shapes and sizes kissing tattooed Caucasians? this wasn't diverse enough.

You're really into metafiction, and think TNG's true, worthy successor is Stargate SG-1.

GalaxyQuest's ending seemed perfectly earned and believable within the context of its universe. The bad guy is vaporized, they show up for the con, and get their show un-cancelled. That last parts strains credibility a little, though, as I have a hard time believing Hollywood would really revive the series without

Hey, they've actually started to recover a little over the last couple decades! Humans may suck in the aggregate, but a lot of New Zealanders have put a lot of effort into protecting Sirrocco and his friends. Just last week, they saved the latest chick by *taping the egg together*.

Because if the war on drugs has taught us anything, it's that attacking supply rather than demand is a really effective means of curbing production.

Every time I see those birds I get sad because they have personality and are going extinct due to stupid humans and our stupid actions.

A Stephen Fry reference?

And the cassowary sneers at the moa, since they're not around anymore.

Never fear, cats are here to protect us!

The fucking Moa birds laughs at your harpy chicken's claws from beyond the grave...

Cameron Diaz's performance looks AWFUL and until someone acknowledges the absence of Lily St. Regis and Rooster Hannigan, I am not excited by this at all.

How does that harpy eagle claw compare to Utahraptor, I wonder?

This kid always creeped me out, let's see what he looks like now.

When the instructions for getting somewhere include "Follow the trail of frozen corpses", you'd think people would decide its not worth going to.

Also see: the entirety of Into Thin Air

I recently saw the PBS doc about that fateful 1996 trip where so many died. I couldn't believe how much trash was up there. It's insane.

Someone tell Mallory to clean that crap up.