
Yep, Gamma was Ds9. And he mispronounced Rigel. And there weren't any food replicators on TOS. I can't imagine Vince Gilligan, an old writer for X-files would get this nerd shit wrong, which makes me think it's done on purpose. But why would a trekkie character be so wrong about trekkie shit?

There's loads of man-ass to come. That's actually one of the guys from The Lonely Island. The show is worth watching, even if an ironic way. I sort of hate-watch the whole thing.

There is someone out there furiously fapping to this right now.

This is pretty much what defines a boy band IMHO. They've even had Ed Sheeran write for them. Very crafty, indeed.

It might be meant to be aspirational. Like, hey lads, these guys are popular with the ladies. Pick up some style tips from them.

and the controller will respond and react in real time to your stroke speed and depth

You're basically describing me in junior high :( The first part I mean, not the second.

I hope she's not skipping leg day.

It depends on how much you do the hair.

No para-olympians either. But still, nice swath.

Hasn't everyone had their hair petted before? I'm a ginger. People touch my hair all the time without asking.

Great article Ijeoma.

I think the only time you should touch someone's hair is if you're on ecstasy and they're on ecstasy.

Well I interpreted it as one dude interviewing a bunch of women and finding out their motivations behind it. Often the interview subjects said they felt white people were less intimidated the more "European" and long their hair looked. He didn't tell anyone they couldn't get a weave, simply pointed to the financial

Yeah, they all went really overboard with the nose jobs but from what I hear it was years of Joe Jackson constantly making fun of their big noses as kid's that gave them a complex. That family is insanely dysfunctional. Poor Paris :(

I'm I the only one who thinks Janet Jackson looks pretty good and practically the same in that old picture and now, and that of all the Jackson kids she's probably fucked-up her face the least? She even kept her original skinny lips instead of getting weird injections like half of Hollywood.

These look pretty real to me. And definitely like they were shot on film, not shot digitally then filtered. There's something always a bit off and too clean about modern replications of old photo aesthetics. Plus, and I don't know how else to put this, the kids are sunburned like 80s kids. I think their skin would

The casting was uncanny. Mindy Sterling's Shoshanna was perfect.

Pris-Bo looks so homely and plain. That's not how Finn sees her, so that's not how I wanna see her either.

I haven't seen it yet. That sounds adorable though. The show also occasionally makes passing gay jokes (not mean spirited ones) or implies Finn might be bi (in a 13 year old kind of way) so who knows if gender is even a factor. The show is famous for slipping in some pretty adult content.