
...might want to be careful, James, powers that be might be grumpy enough as is :D.

Everything you’ve said is entirely correct. You should be awarded many stars.

I know they’ll never do it but I wish they did a spin on the Uniforms from ‘The Cage’ and ‘Where No Man Has Gone Before’ the turtleneck pullovers just seem much more ‘Naval’ if you know what I mean. Also the Turtlenecks are a nice little connection to the TOS movies era

As out of fashion as “episodic” shows have become with everyone treating shows like really long movies you watch a bit at a time, I really do hope that we get some of that short story feel back with this show. In TOS, it’s that one where Kirk fights the Gorn, or the one with the pon far fight music, or the one where

After the “snap”, Barbie assumed the identities of several well-to-do people (astronauts, ballerinas, Olympic athletes, doctors, news anchors, etc) and drained their assets for her own personal gain. It’s how she became able to afford her palatial Malibu Dream House, several sports cars (all pink) and a fabulous

Best post of the thread. Right here. And yes, I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing the change in opinion related to blocking roadways.

Thank you. It’s good to hear rational folks laying it out for everyone to see.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

Realism can only take you so far, and my problem with the Batmobile has always been “where do you park it when you get out to beat up the Joker” or whomever. What stops bad guys from booby-trapping it, mining the approach or simply laying an ambush around it?

Sienkiewicz should be up there with Kirby.

As a lifelong Moon Knight fan:

But all that glorious warhead-flinging and rail gun fire didn’t exist in a vacuum

He first terrified me in The Golden Child

Charles Fucking Dance.

Yeah; I got my start with the original AD&D, and didn’t really ever update beyond that (we never made the move to 2E, and after that I drifted away from gaming for a long while), but a few years ago I started playing 5E, and not gonna lie, it’s a much more sensible and fun setup.

Nothing odd about it. It’s an amazing episode about the question of life, the kind that Star Trek was built for. “I rule Data is a toaster.” Funny...but not.

When the Admiral comes out and talks about how Data’s hands were a blur because he was moving so fast to save Lal...oof... always gets me. One of my all-time favorite scenes from the show.

2nd favorite scene, while I’m here, is the incredible silent scene where Troi discovers Sarek is crying during a violin recital. It

Mine is an odd pick, but my favourite episode was season 2 episode 9, “The measure of a man”.

For me it’s “Darmok.” For my wife it’s either “that one with the flute” or “that naked wedding one.”

So then why the fuck would they do it?