
Describing to you how having regular fulfilling sex, makes me feel more satisfied and happy as a human being, is something that I can't really impart to you because you are talking about remaining a virgin.

I think the idea is...if it's true when people say that mentally ill people commit gun crime (which doesn't really play out in reality), and that violent video games also cause a culture of violence...then the combination would immediately create mass mentally ill murderers.

No shout out to 750 Words? http://lifehacker.com/5482921/750-words-clears-your-mind-gets-ideas-flowing

I wouldn't make this issue a Democrat thing...since the person with the Tea Party was featured, and the Black Panther used the line I typically hear from conservatives, "Don't believe the government if they say something won't cost anything". I've heard that several time from conservatives complaining about Obamacare.

This is why we need that bridge. To smuggle in more daily show.

My situation is slightly different, but I used to hire 15 or students for college employment every semester.

As others have said, I would recommend just getting some ties. I tend to like solid colors, because they look sharp and no one knows you're reusing the same ones. Patterns are more identifiable. Although I have those as well, I just wear them less frequently.

I hate it when people use "I saw this one person at the store" anecdotes to try to generalize and judge everyone else.


Because we keep demanding our phones do more .

Slate put it greatly: http://www.slate.com/articles/business/small_business/2012/01/sopa_stopping_online_piracy_would_be_a_social_and_economic_disaster_.html

And I'm very skeptical about what Christians deem to be "sins and sinners".

Is there anything more appropriate for the Holidays, than an old man complaining about kids these days and how society is falling apart?

That is my biggest complaint. Ebooks have no "market" value.

To the people freaking out, who cares? Seriously. Sometimes the tech community can be so whiny. I guarantee it will be optional, if you don't want to do it, don't do it.

I thought they used to have more social integration about 4 years ago?

I don't understand this logic.

Or years ago. Or since mass shootings began decades ago. Back when the NRA actually supported some gun control laws for gun owner protection.

1 Picking up at a restaurant: I don't understand why I would tip? I purposefully chose not to be waited on by a waiter, and purposefully chose not to have someone come to my door to give me the food. One of the reason I pick up at a restaurant is to avoid that extra service and cost.

And people can continue trying to try the challenge of creating 3D printed guns. Except now they get the challenge of doing it from scratch, and not using someone else's file, while making it less likely it will spread like wildfire to those who are not just doing it for a challenge.