"Say this for Ted Kaczynski: His mailings were of professional quality, on time, packing a short, explosive punch. And the receivers' heads snapped back as if they'd been shot."
It's okay, Peter, you can rest your hand on my junk. Please don't cup the balls, though. Alright, if you wish...
Dammit, Jay. +1
Dammit, RMJ. +1
Student: Could you imagine if it comes out that you've orchestrated a massive cover-up? Boy, would your face be red!
America's craaaziest burgers are the ones served at a barbecue hosted by Gary Busey.
All the Fight Moves
And yet nobody calls out Curtis Jackson for only leaving fifty.
"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."
It was pretty clear something was amiss considering that Michael's known for openly boasting about his favorite team being the Predators.
Dammit, Marmol. +1
Damn you, Doug. +1
I don't understand why people are complaining about the headline being misleading. It delivered on the inference that it wasn't a story about Brett Favre.