Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)

Vince Young tells Loeb he wanted to "Stay."

Damn. +1

Underneath his uniform that officer is rocking a custom "SUN'S DOWN, GUNS DRAWN" tank top.

Student Reporter: What do you bleed?



♪ We here right now on ESPN

[watches Sweden's Kim Amb impale sign]

Great review, but I'm confused as to why you'd use a stock image of the Ferguson Police Department for it.



Robin Williams didn't even work for ESPN and yet he was still given an indefinite suspension.



Oh, you. +1

Jerry: Get on your knees. Yes. So hot. Now I'm going to bend over. Here it comes! Oh God. Yes! You caught it! Now place it on the ground. Oh, that's the stuff.

Dammit, Steve. +1


No longer blocked by Pete Prisco thanks to me, so this post is a blatant lie.

I'll give it another go, Jim.