Now playing

Almost as good as the giant recon glitch.

Zelda levels are way complex, they require thought and usually each temple requires the use of special items you pickup throughout the game, whereas as a mario level can be played as a tiny non special Mario if you wanted.

I understand how people like to use the "this is a game about looting, not story" excuse, but there is one flaw with that. The looting system in D3 is crap crap CRAP! In hundreds of hours of gameplay you get millions of decent to crappy yellows and blues and 1 legendary or sometimes maybe 2. It's a cruel joke.

I am pretty sure that's a girl, Anita Narr.

That's pretty cool.

Yes GTFO, but low key GTFO lol.

Stay low key don't be a hero.

Actually, zero people have died yet due to the meltdown. But, over 20,000 were killed due to the earthquake and tsunami.

Can't argue with that.

No, he's correct. Owen is a time traveler.

Damn, Just installed that chrome extension. Works beautifully!

Exposed Power Supply.

It would be cool to have a touch screen version for handsets and tablets.

Charcoal is used because it has been created to burn slow and hot. There is nothing wrong with using wood besides the fact that it's not readily available for most people.

In the dogs mind, the 3ds was the toy and the memory card was the squeaker.

Nope, didn't work

The wood doesn't burn when it's inside of the hotdog, unless you set your hotdog on fire and watch it burn. And you don't use a stick off the ground, you cut one off a tree.

Actually performing cognitive tasks, which can include games like this, helps with people who are aging. Especially those with early stage Alzheimer's.

Dumbest idea ever.

Lol, no 2nd analog stick. I love the smell of disappointment.