Dancin Ted Danson

okay, first... I flippin' love au jus. Despite the fact that just calling it "au jus" by itself translates poorly/makes no sense and would give my culinary teachers an aneurysm; It's salty perfection and I could easily drink it in public if it were socially acceptable.

Those sound amazing. But, forgive me is this a defense of the Potato Ole? Because a world class artist can create striking, beautiful and moving imagery with nothing but a box of crayons.

I have feeling this store will be filled with the booze equivalent of can drive donations for the needy (16 cans of pumpkin pie filling assorted jars of fruit cocktail and the one rare can of progreso soup).

Society: the same reason I can't wear lipstick even though it makes my god damn lips pop like FIREWORKS.

I would direct you to my posts below, but I'm sure you've seen them.

I don't know. I'm not seeing it. Other than the greying whiskers I'm not getting a lot of resemblance.

Being unemployed is a double edged sword: while I'm positively flush with spare time my finances are such that I couldn't in good conscience justify the expense of so much* velvet

Rebecca (can I call you Rebecca?), I'm a Viking sized Scotsman, if there was such a title and I hadn't yet been awarded a crown I'd be throwing logs over tall poles and competing in old timey strong-man style feats of drinking/strength until it was placed on my head. It's what my people do.

So I imagine all my scotch can get me into is advertising or the GOP? That's probably for the best as I'm not a fan of vodka. Oh, and I was (all joking aside) illiterate until age 13 or so.

Saved to photo's: for future comedy purposes.

Funny... because the only places it exists are on my iPad and in my safe/gun cabinet. Shenanigans!

I can't see your picture for Kinja reasons. Therefore have no idea what your point is or how to best attack it. Here's a picture of me and my pug:

Ironic considering Potato Ole's are formed in a factory after being extruded from a machine called the Douche-Nozzle.

While I'm not willing to dignify your personal insult with any sort of response I WILL respond to your overall crazy-lady tone and assertion that Potato Ole's are worthy of anything other than keeping my seasoning-free-beef stuffed taco warm in it's (seemingly pre-)oil soaked brown bag.

The desperation in your comment makes me feel like somewhere deep down in there you know I'm right!

haha, complete and total pass granted for college hangover cure/nostalgia reasons. Completely acceptable reason to lust after anything you should know better about.

The fact that you look forward to seeing the Midwest, even once a year, tells me everything I need to know/only serves to strengthen my point.

let's all keep in mind this is only one GT'ers opinion, but I will hereby state for the record that I speak as both a retired restauranteur AND a veteran: whoever makes a choice to eat those glorified grocery store quality tater tots out of anything other than soon-to-be-dead-starvation purposes is most certainly an

Firing the manager would be a good first step. Now, take those god forsaken Potato Ole's off the menu and we'll talk.

a 27-year-old woman blocked his truck (of course he fucking drives a truck)