
You’d be wrong then. It rides on Toyota’s “N” chassis which is used under a bunch of cars, including other Lexus.

Which Lexus vehicle has “bespoke stuff”?

Ford 3-valve modular spark plugs do this when you remove them.

4th Gear: It’s going to come down to price. If Nissan wants the “tweener” market they need to price it accordingly. If you’re getting “tweener” towing and payload capability at heavy duty prices then you have no value proposition other than “it rides a little nicer and is a little easier to park”.

I had more of a Dr. Suess rhythm in my head.

In addition to steering and suspension bushings the drivetrain bushings can yield a major change in attitude. Just replacing the lower motor mount can reduce wheel hop and improve shift action on a FWD car with very little change in NVH.

Bingo, I’d spring for a larger rear sway bar way before a strut tower brace.

Any more pitcures of the guts? I’d love to see the front suspension.

I love me some big block offshore motors. Triple big blocks are nasty, but at that point I’d start looking at gas turbines!

Same guys.

Most are based of of Chevy V6 and big and small block V8’s. However they developed their own motor from the ground for the big horspower offshore boats. It’s a 9-liter DOHC 4-valve engine with turbocharging. They also make an automotive “crate engine”.

4th Gear; possibly new vehicles are just overpriced to begin with and this is a market correction. It sucks for anyone who bought in the last 18months, but good news for anyone in the market to purchae (new or used).

Cargo ships burn the dirtiest (and hence cheapest) fuel around. It is an efficicent way to move cargo, but it could be WAY cleaner.

That car was likely in an accident. I’m not making excuses for GM; they turned out some real low quality turds.

I agree, even though modern turbo technology lowers the boost threshold turbos can still go from not much torque to a whole lot of torque in a hurry.

#1 is something I could get behind, from both a public safety standpoint and a personal utility standpoint!

Oh sure, the rotary engine. The one with poor reliability, poor fuel mileage, little useable torque, and high emissions. That’s one way to differentiate for sure.

Maybe you should take the time to Google “irony”.


The airbags going off reminds me of popcorn in the microwave. Pop.....popop....pop..poppop