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Unfortunately, that is one of his concerns...

Exactly! I was watching South Korea v. Poland and was amazed by how willing they were to swap out to make things work - one player even had his ult. and still made a switch to disrupt Poland’s push on the payload.

Also, Mr. President, GDP is at 2.6%, not 3% and is lower than predicted for the quarter.

The strong hero component in Dota is so interesting to me, sometimes the draft is one of the most exciting parts of the game. Teams really have to remain versatile with the roster, which really leads to some compelling outcomes. 

I thought the same thing at first but it’s really not! Think of it like how real-world sports have standardized field and court sizes, so regardless of where you’re playing the “terrain” is more or less the same, allowing there to be a more uniform setting for the sport.

Also in District 10 - co-signed!

The VA Secretary is a holdover from the Obama administration and is doing some great things in the areas of reform.

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Also worth your time: “Zero Motivation” which I’m pretty sure is still on Netflix.

Agreed - if there’s one thing I learned from my decade+ in the actual military, the military LOVES to change uniforms all the time.

Yeah, I tried to snag a variant of it a few weeks back when Mondo first unveiled their new Disney line, but no luck.

Agreed - it’s so stupid to have Emily V. Gordon playing a dramatized version of herself in a movie she co-wrote with her husband about their real life.

Fucking Time Bandits...

Oh I’m right there with you - I’ve been reading Max’s work for years - but to jump from a web comic to what he did with White Donkey is honestly stunning. I mean, the biggest long-form piece he did before that was, what, Revenge of the Dependapotamus?

The White Donkey by Maximilian Uriarte.

As long as they don’t bring in Sleepwalker...

I bought the last game at release. I bought the season pass for the last game. I enjoyed the last game.

I never mentioned a thing about DLC, and I adore DICE games.