
Alimony should be awarded for no longer than the length of the marriage. It is ridiculous that someone could receive alimony payments for decades longer than the marriage lasted.

I had an unexpected pregnancy at 25 and while it did force me to grow up, I wouldn't say that it helped my finances, career, or marriage. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The schools my kids are zoned for aren't horrendous but they're not great either. The education the schools offer falls very short of the intellectual rigor I want for them. Plus they've got 32 kids stuffed into a classroom with no aide except for the ones assigned to the mainstreamed special ed kids; no art, music,

Agree with the general sentiment and would take it further: all private education should be banned. It creates a collective action problem.

If you don't want only the wealthy who can afford private school tuition or exorbitantly priced housing to have the opportunity to attend a decent school, then you should be in favor of public exam schools and private school vouchers for students from low-to-moderate income families. Yet most people I know who spout

Speak it, sister! I'm not going to sacrifice my children out of some noblesse oblige.

I wouldn't have cared about having the hyphen if it didn't make finding records such a big hassle. It just got to be really old having to spend huge amounts of time telling customer service people, "It's not under Jane Doe-Smith? Well, try Jane Smith. Still no? Try Jane Doesmith all one word. Nope? Try Jane Doe as a

I keep hearing this complaint but I don't remember it being difficult to change my name when I got married in '98. I would've had to have filled out the change-of-address forms anyways since I moved so it's not like keeping my maiden name (which I hated because it was a PITA hyphenated one) would've saved me much in

Because it takes FOREVER to locate records since I never know how it got entered into the system. Sometimes it's Jane Doe-Smith (correct). But often it's Jane Doesmith, Jane Doe, Jane Smith, Jane Doe (double first name) Smith, even sometimes Doe Smith (WTF happened to the "Jane" part????) After 22 years of dealing

Having grown up with a 16 character hyphenated last name, I was SOOOOO glad to get rid of it when I got married. It is a huge PITA to try to locate records from before I was married because I never know how they were entered in the system. They might be correctly listed with the hyphen, the two names run together with

My parents gave me and my brothers a hyphenated last name, and none of us kept it as adults because it was such a PITA. I took my husband's last name when I got married but my brothers had to go to court to legally change theirs. One of the advantages of being a woman!

I grew up with a hyphenated last name and it was such a complete PITA that I was super-glad to dump it in favor of my husband's. My maiden name wasn't mine, it was inflicted upon me by my parents in the name of '70's 2nd-wave feminism.

What my mom does is sign the name on the check (e.g. Jane Doe) and then underneath that sign her legal name (e.g. Jane Smith) and she's never had an issue with that.

I grew up with a hyphenated last name and it was a major PITA. I couldn't wait to dump it in favor of my husband's last name when we got married. My brothers all went to court as adults to legally dump the hyphen and just change my mom's surname to a middle name (e.g. John Doe-Smith to John D. Smith).

I don't think "get laid hair" is a thing. Now a personal trainer could absolutely help someone acquire a "get laid body", but it would take more than $150.

The better makeup and outfit does way more for improving her appearance than the slight color change and volume. And I think the bangs are very unflattering on her face shape.

Cooking from scratch is easy. Sewing one's own clothes (beyond a basic skirt or pair of pajama pants) is not.

The Supreme Court can get things wrong- remember Plessy vs. Ferguson affirming segregation ("separate but equal")? Do you think that Thurgood Marshall should've given up on Brown v. Board of Ed. and just have "gotten the f*ck over it"????

The PP equated having degrees with learning, but that's not necessarily the case. Having degrees just meant you spent a lot of money and time sitting in a lecture hall. Learning can happen inside or outside of a formal degree program (often much more in the latter case).

Between my husband and me we have 4 degrees that we spent the equivalent of a house in most areas of the country, yet both of us have learned far more on our own since graduation than we did at these very expensive "name brand" universities. The primary worth of our degrees have been in the social networks they've