
that was my first thought: "Run, Charlie! RUNNNN!"

I was just going to say, I'd put money on a bet that that 73% collectively doesn't make as much as the male 27%. And if there's any "but that's not fair, CEO and all that" remember, that's ONE guy. If one guy and one quarter tip the scales over three quarters of anything else, there's something wrong, dammit.

not only do you have to do the accent, but at some point in the first paragraph you must slip in a "Moose and Squirrel" reference.

for all the abuse apologists, I'll just leave this here for y'all.

Dear Kwissa: first, I believe you and I applaud you. Second, republish through Smashwords. I doubt Mark Coker would give you half the crap Lulu is pulling. Third, I was planning to use Lulu myself for the hard copy versions of my e-books; they just lost a potential client.

don't forget Oliver's awesome Zimmerman verdict segment in the roll of Big Ass Stories of Summer.

aw crap I meant Trey Parker and whatshisname Stone. Duh. *turns in fan card*

I'm beginning to think Trey and Parker need to update the South Park movie: "Now now, the Canadian government has apologized for *Justin Bieber* on several occasions..."

tangentically, Kronos (aka Saturn) was the god that ATE HIS OWN BABIES AT BIRTH rather than let them come into power. Just sayin.

I noticed the part where if you were married or partnered, to check your PARTNER's insurance and have it adjusted as a "life event" — I guess, have the other company pay for it all because we're not gonna, so NYAH.

to be anti Israel is not the same as being anti-semitic. Israel is not a race, it's a political body.

please proceed, governor.

oh yes won't someone think of the menz

literally (well no not really but yeah) when I first saw the Planes ad this spring and the word "Ladies" crawled out of his little plane mouth I could hear the most epic record scratch EVER in my head. I have NEVER had a film turn me so far off seeing it in such a short time. Ironically enough, the ad set a speed

seriously. This POS gets a three movie deal; Earthsea gets a crappy SyFy whitewash botch job. TANJ.

ha, from the comments at the Mary Sue page: "Technically, a tampon commercial can pass the Bechdel Test."

plagiarism has no laws. You're thinking copyright infringement. Plagiarism is the outright theft of someone else's writing and claiming it as your own, whether in whole or in part, whether a sentence or (in her case) an entire fripping CHAPTER. And when called on it she went "it was a tribute! And besides I forgot to

that's another thing, it says something that she publishes under the name CLARE because the plagiarism stuff kept coming up while googling her name CLAIRE. She's also done her best to wipe any trace of her fanfiction misdeeds from the web. Fortunately the internet NEVAR FORGETS.

the Bechdel test is not a test designed to be hard to pass. It is the lowest fricking bar, seriously. It's the BARE MINIMUM level of writing female character interaction. And she wants what, a medal or something?

the expressions on the three women's faces in the top graphic = priceless